Perhaps you remember a movie from a long, long time ago called "The Wizard of Speed and Time"? If not, and like me you have an inexplicable desire to make references to obscure, obscure, funny, films, and you're into nostalgia like a crazy person, you should check it out, if at least to have something interesting to say to your friends instead of staring awkwardly at the ground while you pray for the moon to crash into the earth or something just so you'll have something to talk about. Created lovingly by a special effects technician named Mike Jittlov, over a period of about 5 years (!!) (and expanded from this short film) he uses stop motion to make himself appear to do things like appearing to walk on walls, and, uh, run really fast. The tone of the movie is like a mix between Disney and Monty Python.

Anyhow it's basically about how the creative spirit is awesome and hollywood producers are a bunch of assholes.

What brought this to my attention recently is having come across one of Jittlov's more recent works, "Darth Vadar's Psychic Hotline," which is basically Darth Vadar as Miss Cleo. You must be a giant Star Wars dork to enjoy this. Here's the short. Enjoy!
