I just got back from the theater screening of the mid-season finale of Battlestar Galactica season 3 (i.e. episode 10 of season 3). Evidently they're screening them in a few cities across America. First of all, let me just say that I got there an hour before it started, and I was literally the 300th person in line. The writers for the show came out and were all freaked there were so many people there.

Anyhow, after the episode (best episode evar) the writing staff (minus Ron Moore and David Eick) came out and fielded a bunch of questions. Here are all the ones I could remember, paraphrased:

1. Are there any plans to do a feature-length movie? Answer: Funny you should ask that. Next question.

2. Do you know how the series will end? Answer. No. We know how season 3 ends. Ron Moore steers us in a general direction, though.

3. A general note. Ratings for the show are way down. Downloads, iTunes or otherwise are not being counted in this measure for some reason. They then asked people in the crowd (about 280 in my screening) to raise their hands if they downloaded the show, and nearly everyone did so.

4. Is it hard to kill off supporting characters? Answer: Yes. Between us all, every supporting character has hypothetically died at least four times. Every time someone proposes killing a character, someone else makes a spirited defense for that character. We're saving lives everyday!

They also talked about how the writing happens in interesting ways. For example, during season two, they knew they had the unresolved issue of what to do with the nuclear warhead that Baltar gave to Gina aboard cloud 9. So, to remind themselves, they just write "Remember the Nuke" (or a similar phrase) on their white board and just left it there.
