If you're here, chances are you've read about A* search. Just a quick review:

It is a state space search algorithm, that examines nodes in a space full of them. At any moment of your search, you've got a "frontier" of nodes that you may be immediately examining:


Associated with each node, s, is a cost of reaching it, g(s). You proceed with your seach by examining your frontier of nodes, and picking one that minimizes a criteria I will mention in a moment, f(s). You then "expand" s, meaning you find out s's immediate neighbors in this space and then get rid of it (remove it from the frontier), and then you stick those neighbors on the frontier list. Thus, the frontier list contains every node you have not expanded. A* is just a way of telling you, which one you're going to expand next.

So, right at this moment in the search depicted in the figure, the frontier is:

s1 G' n s2 s3

Of course the whole point of doing the walk through this space is to find a node that has particular qualities that you're looking for, i.e. a goal node. Multiple nodes in the space may actually contain the goal criteria, it's just that in doing this search you're looking for the path of nodes that gets you to a goal containing node optimally.

Back to selecting nodes on the frontier. The special thing to A* is in the function f(s) that you use to rank the nodes within the frontier. You select the next node on the frontier to look at using a best first search on the function f like so:

For each node s on the frontier, f(s) = g(s) + h(s), where g(s) is the measured (actual) cost to get from the start node to here (node s), and h(s) is the estimated cost of getting from here (node s) to the goal.

Now, if h(s) (the estimated cost of getting from here to the goal) is guaranteed to be less than or equal to the actual cost (i.e., h(s) is admissible), then you can make all sorts of guarantees about the outcome of the search process. Specifically, that A* is complete (if there is a solution, A* will find it) and optimal (the solution it finds costs the least to get to starting from the initial node).

What happens when h(s) is no longer admissible?

Well, let's see. Suppose you've got a frontier of nodes at some point in the search:

One of them is G', which as the goal in it, although suppose we known that G' is not the optimal goal. This means:

f(G') = g(G') + h(G')

Suppose that the optimal way of getting to a goal costs you C, i.e. the optimal goal G is such that:

f(G) = g(G) + h(G) = g(G) + 0 (because h(s) = 0 at a goal node) = C

So, regarding that suboptimal goal G':

f(G') = g(G') + h(G') = g(G') > C

If there is actually a path from the initial node to the optimal goal, then there must be some node, n, in your current frontier that leads you to the optimal goal. i.e., if you expanded n, you would find the optimal route to the goal in that sub tree. For that node, n:

f(n) = g(n) + h(n) <= C

if h is admissible. Thus, n has a lower f value than G' does, so we can see that A* always chooses to expand the path through n first (leading to the optimal solution).

If h is not admissible, then G' is still not the optimal solution:

f(G') = h(G') + g(G') > C

just as before. However, regarding that other node n that actually leads to the optimal solution:

f(n) = h(n) + g(n)

f(n) is not necessarily less than C. That is, if h(n) is an overestimation, then f(n) is definitely not less than C. So now you have both G' and n sitting in the frontier, and both are bigger than C. Thus, in general, an inadmissible heuristic means that G' can be selected before n.

This is not necessarily, bad, actually. If your heuristic is such that G' pops out of your search first, then although G' is not optimal, it takes a fewer number of steps to get to than the optimal solution G does. In cases where a shorter plan that works is prefered to a longer (but cheaper) one, this is just what we're looking for. What this means is if your heuristic is inadmissible and leads to G' before G, then it takes less time to compute the solution than it would for an admissible heuristic, because A* has to churn a little bit longer (by going through n) in order to discover G.

The moral is, if you're just looking for path to the goal quickly, rather than spending a longer amount of time finding the optimal goal, then perhaps it's worth it crafting an inadmissible heuristic.

In fact inadmissible heuristics have already been used to this effect in state-space planners yielding exactly this benefit. The HSP planner uses an automatically generated inadmissible heuristic to gain such speed. HSP was later advanced upon to become the FF (fast forward) planner, where it achieved its apex of coolness.
